
October proved to be another busy month for the Wonderful Team at the Youth Café as we had a holiday program, a few outreaches, and a supportive role at the first Khoisan First Nation Festival to run with through the month.

Our holiday program, as always, was a resounding success, and we even had the opportunity to go to outlying rural areas such as Buisplaas (near Petro SA) and Brandwag (past Hartenbos) to facilitate a day in the holiday program in these areas as well. Unlike the more urban regions, these outlying areas do not always have the same access to programs on offer, and we count it a privilege to work with our municipality to facilitate in these areas. It was a week of laughter and fun, and many new skills were acquired.

For all our youth, keep an eye out during November for our “Youth Outreach” program. All the details will be on our social media channels, radio stations and more!

Local artists Kattie and Mr. MP also paid us a surprise visit, and they spent some time with us talking to the youth about what it is like in the music industry, what mindset to cultivate if you want to be a successful artist, and advised them on the journey of being an artist or influencer. They also used our facility to record a song with a powerful, yet simple message.

We also welcomed three young volunteers from overseas to our facilities, giving them the opportunity to engage with young people from Great Brak. It is fantastic to give youths from different backgrounds the chance to engage with one another, and broaden their horizons.

The Khoisan First Nation Festival was a first for the people in Great Brak, and we are always happy and excited to celebrate and support any of the amazing cultures in South Africa. We look forward to welcoming even more people at future events.

As always, we love meeting with members of our community, so if you would like to be involved at all, please come have a cuppa with us at the Youth Café.