Category: Articles

Die lekkerte van LAASTE

Daar is min ander woorde in die Afrikaanse taal wat sy tentakels in soveel lewensterreine ingeslaan het as: LAASTE. Alhoewel die direkte betekenis van die woord allerweë aanvaar word as heel agter, of op die einde, bevat hierdie woord soveel…

Praktiese wenke: hoe om jou kind ‘n goeie leser te maak

Navorsing het getoon dat slegs 22% van Suid-Afrika se tienjariges kan verstaan wat hulle lees. Indien ‘n kind nie kan verstaan wat hy/sy lees nie, kan hy/sy nie akademiese sukses in die skool behaal nie, aangesien lees die weg tot alle leer…

The Harmonious Union: How Conventional Medicine and Alternative Therapies Can Thrive Together

For centuries, conventional medicine and alternative therapies have been viewed as separate entities, often pitted against each other in a battle for legitimacy. However, this dichotomy is not only unnecessary but also detrimental to our overall…

 “Find meaning.

"Find meaning. Distinguish melancholy from sadness. Go out for a walk. It doesn't have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you…

Internasionale Wikkel-jou-tone-dag…

en ander interessante dae wat in Augustus gevier word. 1 Augustus - Internasionale Mahjongdag Mahjong is 'n teëlspeletjie wat in China in die middel 1800s ontwikkel is. Dis 'n spel van vaardigheid, strategie en berekening, en ook 'n bietjie…

The Power of Sound: How it Shapes our Lives

Sound is a powerful force that surrounds us every day, shaping our emotions, behaviours, and our physical well-being. From the soothing sounds of nature to the jarring noises of the city, sound has a profound impact on our lives. One of the…


As jy nog nie die wonder van potgooie (Engels: podcasts) ontdek het nie, het ons vir jou goeie nuus! Potgooie is vir daardie dae wat jy besig is met ‘n stokperdjie en moeg is vir jou Spotify luisterlys, nog nie ‘n nuwe boek by die biblioteek…


As ek my oë toemaak en my ma onthou, dan sien ek haar hekel. Voor die TV, op haar stoel langs my pa s’n wanneer hy vuurmaak vir braaivleis, selfs in die kar op pad see toe. Sy was altyd besig om iets moois te maak. My ma se gene sit stewig…


Across Responsibility Eisteddfod Economic Rijksmuseum Dish Artificial Meditation Loneliness Regspersoon Suidelike Clint Eastwoord Serotonin Dramabeoordeling   Down Antonie van Leeuwenhoek …

The Power of Meditation: Unlocking its Scientific Benefits

Meditation, a centuries-old practice, has been extensively researched recently, revealing its profound effects on the brain and body. This article explores its impact on neuroplasticity, brain networks, attention, neurotransmitters, hormones,…

The Benefits of Pets for children, families and seniors       

Animals can significantly enhance the lives of people across different age groups, particularly in improving the memory and overall mental health of seniors. Moreover, pets also offer substantial benefits to children and families, fostering…

Pa: veel meer as net ‘n Broodwinner

  "It's not flesh and blood but the heart that makes us father and son." Dit het die eerste keer op 'n Maandag gebeur. Meeste mense werk dan. Die taxi hou met mening stil. Die skraal man met die swaar Spaanse aksent beduie dat ons…