Category: Articles

Ripples on the Water

The earth has travelled around the sun again. We are heading into the crazy, sun-filled, family and put-your-feet-up time of the year. Slowing down our work activities. Looking forward to smell the coffee, roses and nature. And unavoidably we…

Kunsmatige Intelligensie en Outentieke Leefstyl

In ’n wêreld waar kunsmatige intelligensie (KI) ’n alomteenwoordige assistent in byna elke aspek van die lewe geword het – van die beplanning van afsprake tot die komponeer van musiek – ontstaan die vraag: hoe kan ons die voordele daarvan…


The GB Night Ride hosted on 27 December 2024 is the initiative of a group of businesses who want to contribute to the well-being of the town of Great Brak River. Laurinda Smit is driving this event with the support of three local businesses…

Health Benefits of Going to the Beach

  The beach puts us into a meditative state Imagine sitting by the shore and watching the waves as you sip your favourite smoothie. Just thinking of it gives us the idea of relaxation. It has been proven that staring at the sea…

Smart Gifting on a Budget: Creative, Meaningful Gift Ideas 

The festive season doesn’t have to strain your wallet. With a little creativity and thoughtfulness, you can give meaningful gifts that warm hearts without emptying your bank account. Here are some smart ideas to inspire your holiday giving: …

Body Stress Release: A Natural Way to Relieve Stress and Pain

In today’s fast-paced world, stress accumulates in our bodies, often leading to tension, pain, and discomfort. Body Stress Release (BSR) offers a natural and non-invasive way to address this. It’s a technique that helps the body release…

The State (aka the Thirty Tyrants) vs Socrates Sophroniscus 399BC

Presiding Officer: King Archon   Charges: Asebeia (impiety) against the Pantheon of Athens Corruption of the youth of the city-state of Athens   Penalty demanded: Death Penalty.   Main witness for the…

Taking charge

The Tragedy of the Commons and Broken Window Syndrome are both social theories that demonstrate how small, unchecked actions can lead to larger societal issues. While they arise in different contexts, both highlight the importance of individual…

Discover the Healing Power of Reiki

When you’re seeking balance, relaxation, and inner peace, one of the complementary therapies to experience is Reiki.  It is an ancient Japanese healing art that channels universal energy to nourish your body, mind, and spirit.   What…


Stokperdjies is nie net ’n heerlike manier om jou vrye tyd deur te bring nie. Die voordele daarvan wissel afhangend van wat jy kies om mee besig te wees. ’n Belangstelling is die begeerte om iets nuuts te leer, sonder dat dit fisiese…


Daar is min ander woorde in die Afrikaanse taal wat sy tentakels in soveel lewensterreine ingeslaan het as: LAASTE. Alhoewel die direkte betekenis van die woord allerweë aanvaar word as heel agter, of op die einde, bevat hierdie woord soveel…


Navorsing het getoon dat slegs 22% van Suid-Afrika se tienjariges kan verstaan wat hulle lees. Indien ‘n kind nie kan verstaan wat hy/sy lees nie, kan hy/sy nie akademiese sukses in die skool behaal nie, aangesien lees die weg tot alle leer…