During April we had an absolute plethora of courses and skills development opportunities, as well as some creative juices flowing forth at the Youth Café.

Our Creative Arts and Media Course – in our very own recording studio – starts off with the “how to of song writing”, followed by the composition, and lastly the actual recording by the participating creatives and artists. They walk out of there with a recorded song, an idea of pre- and post-production, and just heaps of fun. We invite each and all to pop in for a listen!

We also hosted skills programmes for E-Learner – a more advanced computer use class – Learner License prep in partnership with our municipality, Early Childhood Development training, and Barista Academy during April.

So many courses, all well attended, yet always space for more. It was lots of fun, very educational, and it is a pleasure to see young people grabbing the opportunities presented to them with both hands. We will keep in touch with all the participants to see how their newfound skills are empowering them to enter the workforce, and provide for themselves and their families.

As always, we invite each and every one to pop in to the Great Brak River Youth Café for a coffee and a chat, to see what we do, and join in on our fun and support what we do!