4. Die Afrikaanse woord vir “podcast”. (potgooi)
5. Never save this onto your phone or computer.
6. Collectively we can all inspire _________.
9. It can be described as moving to another location
within your home country. (semigration)
14. Hierdie voëltjie het ‘n kenmerkende gespikkelde
bors en liggeel onderkant. (karoolangstertjie)
16. Die gunsteling potgooi-genre. (komedie)
18. Hulle snuffel op die strand vir vis en sandmossels.
19. Navorsing oor die risiko van geheueverlies word
hier gedoen. (mayokliniek

1. This provides evidence of the development of our
society. (heritage)
2. Sound is able to affect our ________ function.
3. This has been proven to have an acute impact on
our physical health. (resonance)
7. The Great Brak River ______________ works with
government regarding problematic species.
8. Fraudsters _____________ banks by sending
messages to trick customer. (impersonate)
9. Simondre’s surname. (swiegelaar)
10. One of the leaders of the march to the Union
Buildings on 9 August 1956. (albertinasisulu)
11. Serotonien is ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n natuurlike
____________. (pynstiller)
12. Die malaria parasiet word in die ingewande van
hierdie muskiete gevind. (anopheles)
13. At Wonderful SA, their main aim is to make
___________ possible. (transformation)
15. These chemical substances can harm the
environment. (herbicides)
17. ‘n Teëlspeletjie wat in China in die middel 1800s
ontwikkel is. (mahjong)