Blokkiesraai Julie

Al die antwoorde op die vrae in hierdie raaisel is vervat in die artikels wat hierdie maand gepubliseer is.

The solution will be published on our website: on 15 July.

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  1. This is what children learn through daily pet-care routines.
  2. Hierdie gala word op 24 Augustus in Mosselbaai gehou.
  3. The type of growth the muse-lin* competition aims to promote.
  4. ‘n Paar van Johannes Vermeer se skilderye hang hier.
  5. This will be presented to the judges during the muse-lin* competition.
  6. This type of lighting can be harmful to estuarine environments.
  7. This is a centuries-old practice that has an effect on the body and mind.
  8. Pets provide companionship to seniors, that helps to combat _________.
  9. Die Afrikaanse woord vir “Body Corporate”.
  10. Die halfrond waar die dogtertjie gebly het.
  11. Hierdie akteur het in “A Few Dollars more” gespeel.
  12. One of the neurotransmitters that are influenced by meditation.
  13. Dit vind in Mosselbaai plaas van 29 Julie tot 2 Augustus.



  1. Uitvinder van die mikroskoop.
  2. Algae blooms deplete these levels in the water, harming aquatic life.
  3. Mediterreense eiland.
  4. Die lewensbloed van die regspersoon.
  5. The two-pot system is relevant to this type of savings.
  6. This will be payable on amounts withdrawn from retirement savings.
  7. ‘n Bedrieglike skema waar vals beloftes aan beleggers gemaak word.


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  1. This is what children learn through daily pet-care routines.
  2. Hierdie gala word op 24 Augustus in Mosselbaai gehou.
  3. The type of growth the muse-lin* competition aims to promote.
  4. ‘n Paar van Johannes Vermeer se skilderye hang hier.
  5. This will be presented to the judges during the muse-lin* competition.
  6. This type of lighting can be harmful to estuarine environments.
  7. This is a centuries-old practice that has an effect on the body and mind.
  8. Pets provide companionship to seniors, that helps to combat _________.
  9. Die Afrikaanse woord vir “Body Corporate”.
  10. Die halfrond waar die dogtertjie gebly het.
  11. Hierdie akteur het in “A Few Dollars more” gespeel.
  12. One of the neurotransmitters that are influenced by meditation.
  13. Dit vind in Mosselbaai plaas van 29 Julie tot 2 Augustus.



  1. Uitvinder van die mikroskoop.
  2. Algae blooms deplete these levels in the water, harming aquatic life.
  3. Mediterreense eiland.
  4. Die lewensbloed van die regspersoon.
  5. The two-pot system is relevant to this type of savings.
  6. This will be payable on amounts withdrawn from retirement savings.
  7. ‘n Bedrieglike skema waar vals beloftes aan beleggers gemaak word.